Who We Are

AMA International Foundation's mission is to contribute to the economic, social and human development of families by promoting and implementing a social action that improves family integration, personal development and the level of employability.

AMA International Foundation focuses its work on three areas of operation: strengthening the family bond, personal development, and increasing employability.

In support of our mission AMA International Foundation has adopted the following objectives:

  • To promote life coaching tools that will strengthen the family nucleus including youth and senior service programs to help our community.

  • Identify mechanisms that favor professional development and the improvement of the employability of the people. These opportunities will create interaction that allows an agile and efficient link between employers and members of this community who qualify as candidates to fill available employment.

  • Develop management improvement programs that would allow small businesses to network to increase their level of service throughout the community.

We develop activities and projects aimed at the assistance and training of individuals, families and social groups. We seek to build relationships of communion between people, organizations and communities through the formation of networks of services and support to cover the needs of the disadvantaged.

We promote solidarity at every level, without any kind of discrimination or prejudice and in the deepest respect for each human being especially their dignity. We also favor the development and growth for people to create a better society and a healthier family life.

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